Wheat School: Managing Nutrient Needs & Volunteer Weeds — Getting Winter Wheat Off to a Strong Start


brunel_sabourin_winterwheatWith crop insurance deadlines passing, much of this fall’s winter wheat planting in Western Canada is complete.

While winter conditions are beyond control, there are some practices that can mitigate the risk of winterkill and help the crop get off to a strong start, both now in fall and following snowmelt in spring.

In this Wheat School episode, Brunel Sabourin of Antara Agronomy focuses on those practices, starting with planting into stubble with adequate height and density to catch snow.

Find more wheat production and marketing insight in the Wheat School archives!

From there, Sabourin discusses nutrient strategies, and finding the balance between meeting winter wheat’s high nitrogen needs early in plant development while not compromising winter hardiness with too much growth in the fall.

Fall weed control should also not be taken for granted, he points out. Depending on disease levels and other factors, shattering during canola harvest can result in a mat of volunteer canola stealing sunlight and nutrients from wheat seedlings.

Brunel Sabourin and Kelvin Heppner discuss the keys to getting winter wheat off to a strong start:


Other Episodes

Wheat School (view all) Season 6 (2015) Episode 9


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