Many times farmers think that once the wheat crop is harvested the pressure is off and it is time to relax. A lot of things can go wrong inside the bin. One of the troubles many people have is that they cannot see into the bin. Ignoring the grain temperature, moisture and some other things can cost you dearly. Storing your wheat properly is imperative to making sure you have financial success.
There is nothing worse than sticking an auger into a bin in April and finding out that the bin has heated and the contents are worthless. As the size of bins increases, maintaining an ideal storage environment is critical. Today it is not uncommon to find in floor air, remote monitoring, automatic alarm systems and intensive reporting tools as options when you install a new bin on the farm.
I talked to Helmut Spieser from OMFRA about some of the things farmers need to consider when storing wheat in a bin for the winter.
For more information on wheat contact C&M Seeds