Wheat School: Rating Fusarium Tolerance Performance


Do wheat varieties perform in line with the ratings provided during the registration process? When it comes to fusarium head blight tolerance, the short answer is yes, but the long answer is it depends on the year.

Holly Derksen, plant pathologist with Manitoba Agriculture, explains that the province has been tracking resistance performance of wheat varieties since 2009, linking fusarium damaged kernel (FDK) incidence with deoxynivalenol (DON) levels.

Click here to download the PDF of 2009-2013 Levels of FDK and DON by Variety

As Derksen explains below, not every variety is tested every year and not in every location, however, there are some interesting findings from the work done to day (stay tuned for 2016 numbers! A bad year, of course), and for tips on using the information for variety selection.

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