Wheat School: Spelling it out — How UPOV ’91 Impacts Farmers’ Right to Save Seed


There are still lingering questions as to how farmers access, pay for and use seed varieties under UPOV ’91, which Canada adopted with the passing of Bill C-18 back in March of this year.

For those that claim that under the act farmers lose their right to save seed, Patty Townsend, executive director of the Canada Seed Trade Association (until next week!), would like to set the record straight.

In the interview below, filmed at the recent C&M Seeds field day, Townsend first clearly explains why the act was amended and what it means for Canada to become “UPOV 1991 compliant,” under the act. From there she walks through what changes under the act.

Related: Canterra Seeds & Limagrain announce new joint venture for development of cereal varieties

Townsend fully and clearly explains what the farmers’ exemption means, the ways it is similar and different from before, and offers examples of when farmers may find themselves in non-compliance with the act.

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