Wheat School: Testing Durum for Pasta Quality at CIGI



Durum is a crop that many Canadian wheat growers identify with and take pride in.  Canada is a major global supplier of high quality durum to the marketplace.  Many times we focus on the production and marketing of durum but not what happens at processing.

I got a great opportunity while I was at CIGI in Winnipeg to find out more about the making of pasta and how we test our Canadian varieties for pasta quality.  Below is my discussion with Paul Ebbinghaus from CIGI in the pasta testing room.  This video shows how CIGI helps its customer evaluate durum varieties for pasta production.  As Paul mentions in the video his lab runs a simulated pasta production line, trying to re-create what the buyers of Canadian durum should experience in pasta making.

See the Global Durum Area, Production and Yield Table by Country

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