Picture this: You’re headed out to the sprayer and the wind starts to blow. The knee-jerk reaction is to cancel all spraying operations for that particular time, right? Not necessarily.
There is definitely such thing as too much wind to spray; however, some wind turbulence is not all bad. So says Tom Wolf, founder of AgriMetrix and Sprayers 101, in this episode of the Wheat School.
The thing about wind, says Wolf, is it’s got directional certainty. (Story continues below video)
“The other thing that wind does for you is it creates a lot of turbulence, and that turbulence might be good for depositing the spray in the canopy. It’s also pretty good for preventing downwind damage,” he explains.
Many picture the ideal spray day as dead calm, with not a breath of wind. However, these conditions can be just a damaging as a high-wind day due to inversions.
“If it’s clear out, you’re probably going to have an inversion that evening or that night. That means the spray cloud that we generate — we always generate some kind of a spray cloud — doesn’t disperse, it stays concentrated. So it can move slowly, and it can linger. And it can cause much more significant and widespread damage than we would have caused on a windy day.”
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