Wheat School – Why Red Clover is a No-Brainer


As far as cover crops go, red clover is a no-brainer. That according to OMAFRA wheat specialist Peter Johnson. It’s a statement that seems to be backed up by a lot of facts. The first being its ability to provide ample amounts of nitrogen and organic matter to the soil. A good stand of red clover can also do wonders for preparing the soil via that organic matter. The root systems of the plants are immense and run through the top 6 inches of the soil so when they decay, they leave the soil in great condition to plant. On top of all those agronomic benefits, it’s relatively cheap to plant and provides a great return on investment.

We spoke to Peter at the about the benefits of red clover and how the crop is gaining a permanent place in rotation with producers to maximize wheat yields.  Peter say that the old tale of great red clover crop means low wheat yields is definitely not true.  In fact Peter says that using red clover as a cover crop raises wheat yields up to 30%.  That’s a return that will get your attention.


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