Wheat School: Yield starts at seeding rate


So many decisions that influence yield need to be made throughout the growing season, and it begins with the optimal seeding rate.

As discussed in this Wheat School episode, seeding rate is a factor in tillering, tiller timing, and head size. The ideal seeding rate can also help with a smoother harvest and to time your pest management strategies, explains Alberta Grains agronomy extension specialist Ruoxi Xia in this video.

The best time to figure out plant population after the wheat crop has emerged from the soil is at the 1-2 leaf stage. At this time, counting the young wheat plants and comparing that number to the amount of seed that was planted can help in understanding a crop’s potential, as well as target rates for future years.

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Xia explains when and how to get an accurate plant count, as well as how to calculate emergence and mortality of the seed, and how a good plant stand can help to suppress weeds such as kochia, prevent late tillering, and increase the effectiveness of fungicide and pre-harvest glyphosate, producing a more uniform crop that is easier to harvest.

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